Your Host
Chrissy Bray
Singer, celebrator, party creator
The life of the party
A passionate purveyor of joy, Chrissy is a singer and MC who loves to hold space, where people can express their authentic self through music and movement.
A beach, festival, conference center, park, ship, desert, club, living room. An extrovert, an introvert, an ambivert.
Berlin, Sydney, Sicily, Stavanger, Ireland, New York, Hong Kong. The when, where, how, who constantly changes but the why is always the same - blissful, authentic connection.
The power of play
Simple games sit at the center of Chrissy’s open heart musical surgery. Guests are drawn into play time, where the door is left wide open to freely express their inner creative world.
Shyness is superseded by joy, the illusion of separateness is broken with an overwhelming feeling of togetherness.
The present moment becomes all encompassing as guests join as one in harmony, singing out of pitch, dancing out of breath, delighting in the endless surprises.
Chrissy’s party events are one of a kind, a creation that reveals itself through an ever-evolving process, with rigorous pre-party planning that gives her the freedom to allow each perfect moment to reveal itself and serve the people present.
From 20 people to 2000, from forty minutes to four hours, choose a theme, choose your adventure, it’s all for the taking and the giving.